Friday, July 27, 2007

Cloudy, With a Chance of Learning...

A few days ago, it rained pretty hard in the evening. There was a lot of thunder and lightening as well. I was helping Christopher get ready for bed. As is the case most evenings these days, he was not being cooperative. So I used the storm outside as a way to get his mind off of getting ready for bed.
"Christopher, can you hear that?" (signing "Listen" as I asked) He cocks his head and listens. "That's rain" ("Rain). The sky lit up, and I showed him the sign for lightening. "Listen again..." There, that's thunder (Thunder).
He stood on his bed for a few minutes, listening outside. "I hear the rain!" he exclaimed signing it over and over. He called his Daddy into the room and proceeded to give him the same weather lesson, complete with signs, that I had just given to him. The next day, he told his grandparents the same weather story.