Friday, April 13, 2007

So You Think You Can Just Holler At Me?

My son broke his leg last week, and is now in a body cast for the next month. Lying on your back in the living room is no fun for a normally active two year old. So to help us both out, I hit our local library and checked out a bunch of Signing Time videos that I don't have yet.

I hit pay dirt! He watched them a little before, but now he really gets into the shows. (I know, I know, how can he NOT, it's not like he can run away, right?) I caught him the other day, signing along with Alex and Leah about food. He was showing his stuffed kitty the sign for cracker.

Because he spends so much time on his back these days, he's become pretty demanding. A request for a glass of milk has turned into, "Mommy...Mommy...Moooommmmmmyyyy I WANT MILK!" So the signing has been a blessing, since I now have to remind him to use his polite inside voice and sign "please" when requesting something. "Thank you" has also made its appearance recently. I wonder what's next...

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